Monday, August 25, 2014

Last Semester's Work

Older stuff, learned a lot last year. Foundation year was fun, got to really push myself. Got a lot of good skills and practices. Also very humbling to work with such good artists!
Design for a "Grunt" Character

Final Sculpture
Planned Room Design

"Playground Takeover" Prompt

Was supposed to be 3-point, but that didn't really come through!

Skeleton Studies
Skeleton Studies

Fabric Study from "Gone With the Wind"

Hand and Foot Study

Hand and Foot Study


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Summer Work- A bunch of stuff

Figured I'd get them all out in one go.

Left 4 Dead/Walking Dead crossover piece, it was fun to do. Really tried to push my lighting and compositional skills.

Quick, 1 hour piece, trying to get better at environments and stuff.

A character sheet I made, just having fun.

Concept piece, not really sure what's going on. Feels kind of borderlands-y.

Another 1 hour, conceptual piece. I have a hard time with scale. If I were to do it over, I'd probably make the stairs a lot smaller.

Just some rendering practice.

I really like motorcycles. Tried to play with a secondary color triad.

Quick 1 hour whatever 
some mountain studies!!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Speaking of Trailers

The one trailer that has stuck with me the strongest, (surprisingly since I have never touched the game itself) is Brink's trailer. I've gone back to it several times since it's release in 2010, and it still hasn't diminished in return. Something about the style was just up my alley. The pacing was perfect to a tee, the way the designs were different from each other yet so unified, the perfectly shambled environment (where even are they I don't know but it looks cool as hell) and of course the parkour. The only thing that was strange to me was the gimp suit guy at the end, but to each their own I suppose.
It's a shame that it apparently isn't a very good game, but I might play it just to play with the character designer and admire the maps.