Sunday, January 18, 2015

Platformer Papermap

Here is the papermap for a platformer I'm designing. The theme is "Science Lab."
I answered some questions for worldbuilding:
Where is it?
A Chemistry Lab on a sunny afternoon in August.
What is the conflict?
Dr. Drake, a reckless chemist, drank one of his concoctions and it shrunk him! He has to navigate his lab to find the antidote!
What is the twist?
Maybe.. it is actually a shrinking potion!
Who else lives there?
Lab rats, roaches, possibly other scientists.
What does the architecture look like?
It looks like a highschool science class, with blacktop surfaces and wood underneath. There's beakers, chalkboards in the background, maybe a bunsen burner, sinks, goggles.
What happened prior to the player getting there?
All the chemists working there made a big mess and then took a break for lunch.
How did the player arrive?
By drinking the shrinking potion and falling asleep on the table.

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