Monday, September 21, 2015

Toy/Prop Game Design Ideas

Here are the ideas that I decided to pursue further: the super kicking boots, the cloud gun, and the shield that can catch projectiles and send them back.
From here, we're going to pick one of them to go further with.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

10 Hero Prop Game Mechanic Ideas

Love Glove - Shoot Love hearts at your enemies! Make them happy and stop attacking you! You have to hug to recharge your love glove.

Laser Helmet - Fire lasers from your face! Face shield closes when firing.

Crunch Boots - destroys pieces of earth below you when you doubletap spacebar.

Drill Arms - charge at enemies! Drill them to bits! Drill through walls to reveal pathways! Connect your arm gauntlets to use.

Cannon/Launcher Backpack - see DFA character. Launch cannonballs.

Plasma Flamethrower - Throw blue fire.

Steam Machine Gun - Fill the area with steam clouds that you can jump on!

Guitar Gun - Shred on it, channel lightning, light candles/torches, turn on generators, etc.

Ricochet Shield - Return enemy attacks when timed correctly by catching energy in the shield capusle.

Pulsar Launcher - Lob pulsar grenades. Has cool capsule reload thing. Clears an area (of lava, toys, foliage) so you can walk on it.