Thursday, September 17, 2015

10 Hero Prop Game Mechanic Ideas

Love Glove - Shoot Love hearts at your enemies! Make them happy and stop attacking you! You have to hug to recharge your love glove.

Laser Helmet - Fire lasers from your face! Face shield closes when firing.

Crunch Boots - destroys pieces of earth below you when you doubletap spacebar.

Drill Arms - charge at enemies! Drill them to bits! Drill through walls to reveal pathways! Connect your arm gauntlets to use.

Cannon/Launcher Backpack - see DFA character. Launch cannonballs.

Plasma Flamethrower - Throw blue fire.

Steam Machine Gun - Fill the area with steam clouds that you can jump on!

Guitar Gun - Shred on it, channel lightning, light candles/torches, turn on generators, etc.

Ricochet Shield - Return enemy attacks when timed correctly by catching energy in the shield capusle.

Pulsar Launcher - Lob pulsar grenades. Has cool capsule reload thing. Clears an area (of lava, toys, foliage) so you can walk on it.

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