Monday, April 20, 2015

Burger Time Re-Make

I'm going to be working with my partner, Leslie Glanville, for the next project in Programming. Together we're going to remake Burger Time in UE4 by using the Sidescroller project template.

It poses an interesting programming challenge that will involve researching how the engine interacts with players and pawns and inputs. We will need to program ladders, falling burger ingredients, basic locomotion, a basic or workaround A.I. system for the enemies, a life system and a pepper attack system. We also have a fun challenge of recreating the classic Burger Time feel, either maintaining the retro style or going for an updated look. Our asset list includes the Chef, the enemies: a sausage and an egg, ladders, burger ingredients, platforms, and salt pick-ups. If we have extra time, we may be able to incorporate some fun particle effects, such as for when the ingredient lands on the platform below.

I bet I'll have a lot of fun.

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