Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Board Game Brain Storm

We're starting up our actual board game project now, so we had to storm up a large number of ideas really fast and see what sticks. Here are some of the ones I've come up with, some more developed than others. I've broken them down into three categories: Mechanics, Story, and Aesthetics. This is so that the different ideas could be matched up together to form a more complete idea! Such as a mechanic and a story coming together, or a mechanic and aesthetic.

1. (Mechanic) Darkness and Light, place down pieces of either one and try to hold as much territory as possible.
The pieces would have different characteristics, such as:

  • dark tiles will bridge with other dark tiles
  • light will convert some adjacent tiles
  • dark tiles may cast a shadow of some length
  • and other cool ideas
2. (Mechanic) A racing game on a circular track, where players are going opposite directions, racing to meet the other person. Not sure how players would move yet.

3. (Story) Opposing gladiator or gladiator teams fight for victory
  • different attack types?
  • gathering items/an inventory?
  • winning the support of the crowd?
4. (Story) Outlaw and Sheriff
  • The outlaw tries to escape (while committing other evil deeds?) by expanding the map and outpacing the sheriff
  • Sheriff tries to capture outlaw by blocking him off with obstacles, riding on a horse, hiring mercenaries, not sure
5. (Story) Catch the Goat
  • A runaway goat runs around the board constantly, bouncing off the edges of the space, going crazy
  • Players try to capture the goat by maneuvering themselves so that they land on top of his space
  • More than one goat?
6. (Mechanic) City-building
  • Players build cities simultaneously, try to build the "Best City"
  • Trading, armies, banking, spying, simplified into 20 minute system
  • Different ideologies give different benefits?
7. (Story/Aesthetic) Form the Best Bike Gang
  • Most Bikers
  • Most intimidating
  • Most loved
  • Most territory
  • Cards? Board game? Tile placing?
8. (Mechanic) Divide Up Space
  • Randomly generated space with different amount of "points in it"
  • Players divide the space up 3 times
  • After this, when players divide the space, they claim one half of it, other is split between players?
  • Different types of "points"
9. (Mechanic) Gain public appeal. Somehow.
  • Washed-out celebrities
  • Politicians
  • Rival Music Bands
10. (Aesthetic/Story) Bird migration!
  • Attack ENEMY BIRDS
11. (Aesthetic/Story) Space Travel recently invented, travel through space finding and documenting NEW ALIEN SPECIES
  • find fastest way to new planets (perhaps research space travel/gravity effects etc. to determine gameplay)
  • avoid obstacles like asteroids, other players, space pirates
  • randomly generated map with different planet placement and obstacle placement each time
  • cute character cards
12. (Mechanic) Tower War type game
  • Strategize between building defenses, building army, building mines
  • Simple enough to play in 20 minutes, or multiple rounds under 20 minutes
  • Players build maze defenses? Make navigating to base hard?
13. (Story) Tunneling Ferrets
  • Build really deep to avoid something. Maybe lava is falling into the tunnel so you have to go keep digging.
  • Mess up opponents by collapsing their tunnel somehow
  • Marker that denotes where lava/predators/plague is (where players have to stay beyond)
14. (Aesthetic) Fantasy tavern, probably plays like Tapper

15. (Story) Disease Spreading
  • Everyone is a disease, compete to be dominant disease?
  • One person is a disease, everyone tries to find out who it is?
  • One person is infected, tries to infect others, who then also try to infect others? (Like that "Get to the chopper!' game, but captured people also start chasing)
16. (Aesthetic) PUNKS
17. (Mechanic) Memory game
  • There's always card flipping
  • Remembering some kind of order ... 
18. (Mechanic) War/battle game where the pieces have a Rock-Paper-Scissors relationship to each other
  • Will there be a strategy? Or would it just be random?
  • There would have to be nested mechanics to make it more interesting
19. (Story) Road-trip, have the best road trip
  • Longest road trip
  • See the most shows/monuments
  • Other goals that would add points to your "best road trip" claim
  • Card Drawn random events
  • Different map options
20. (Aesthetic) Underwater CAVES

(I will add some pictures to this blog post soon)

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