Saturday, October 4, 2014

Developing Ideas Further

I need to develop some of the game ideas I posted earlier and think about their themes and stuff. There were a couple in particular that I wanted to explore more before I settled down on one.

Fight for Your Freedom and Win the Crowd!
                      Build and Adapt your Gladiators!
                  Players play as the leader of a group of Roman Gladiators, slaves that fought for entertainment of the Roman people and for their freedom. Popular from around 1st century BC to around 3rd century BC, declining heavily in the 5th century. Pick a leader from different backgrounds; pick your specialty, and your strategy! Every moment is life or death, people drop like flies and anything can happen in the chaos of the Colosseum! Win the crowd!! Win your freedom!! Win the fight!!
         Art Style:
              Maybe tf2 comic-style, kinda rough lineart. A really fun and light-hearted take on the violent and horrible Colosseum fights.

         Color Scheme:
- (mostly monochromatic, with complement)
- (adjacent, yellow, red, purple)
         Gameplay Brainstorm:
                  - Pick 2 skills from a large set to have a different experience each time! (Nets, Spear like weapons, swords, shields, magic ???.)
                  - Recruit more gladiators from successful rounds
                  - Random draw cards = gifts from the crowd if they like you
                  - Several quick rounds
                  - New terrain each time to SPICE THINGS UP

Space Travel:
                  Be the Fastest, Baddest, Raddest Space Hunter Ever
         Theme Paragraph:
              It is the year 2500, and space travel has just become feasible for the common person. Space has become the new frontier! “Space Cowboys” are now venturing out into the edges of the known universe and discovering new life forms! A bounty has put out to capture these species for research and documentation. The bounty-hunter space cowboys are the reckless, competitive adventurists of the future, searching for both fame and fortune! They will do anything to get to the bounty and, more importantly, before their competitor!
         Art Style:
              -cartoony fun: Space Dandy, Cowboy Bebop, Avatar (creature designs), Eve (space ships).

       Color Scheme:
- (purples, reds, blues?)
- (fun unusual colors?)
- (I really don’t know aaa)
        Gameplay Brainstorm:

-       Players use space-ship tokens as their piece
-       Board is randomly generated by placing hexagonal pieces at random (kind of like settlers of catan)
-       Players try to find the fastest way to the planets, using some kind-of-correct spaceship physics
-       Random Event Cards that are Fun!
-       Players try to get in the way of others, steal bounties from others, etc.      

Fantasy Tavern:
                  Competition; be the best mixologist in all the land!
              You and 1-3 of your friends are the new bartenders at a tavern in Oakhorn Valley, a town in the Land of the Seven Lords. You want to be the best of the best at what you do, and that doesn’t withhold you from using some underhanded means. Do whatever you can to prevent your friends from completing their drinks! Only one person can be on top!!
       Art Style:
              Cartoony WoW maybe? LoL and DOTA style things where everything is pretty colorful and out-there.

       Color Scheme:
- (very magic looking!)
- (more magic looking)
       Gameplay Brainstorm:
-       Draw a card that says what actions you need to do the drink are
-       Have to memorize it, have a time-limit to complete the actions, have some gameplay changes like “close your eyes” or “only one arm” or something, also everybody else is trying to stop you
-       Player with most points gets some kind of badge/crown/mark of victory
-       Card directions get more and more complicated as the game goes on

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