Thursday, February 26, 2015


In Programming, we've been learning about destructibles in UE4 and using APEX. This is an example of how one could use a destructible to create an alternate path for players to spice things up! The textures/materials aren't mine, they were the ones already in Unreal.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Racing Level Greybox

 We are finally done with doing pre-pro planning stuff for our racing level, and on to doing greybox planning in UE4. We're gonna be spending the next couple weeks working out our programming for our stunts and tricks and working out all the kinks, and then go onto making everything look beautiful.
 Here's a shot of the part where the columns will degrade over time and become obstacles.

Here is a part of the level that will offer an option, and will probably have some kind of destructible wall or prop to bust through!

Looking forward to developing our levels with my team!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Racing Game Storyboard

The level I ended up choosing to do is somewhat similar to my original idea. It's set in the mountains, with Tibetan-inspired temples built into the cliffside. There's a lot of rocks and nature and stuff, so I'm excited about it. A lap is supposed to be 45 seconds long to complete, so I wonder if I built it too long.

Friday, February 6, 2015

More Array Action

Just in time for Valentine's Day. We had the class period to mess around with our blinking lights, and I figured out how to make a grid of lights flash different messages using Blueprint in UE4. It was a lot of fun!!
 Hope everyone has a fun Valentine's Day. :)
And here is my code below!

Racing Game Level Brainstorm

We've been making a car in our 3D class, and we're going to be building a racing track level to ride around in. Right now I'm just brainstorming on what kind of theme I'm shooting for.
I really like canyon-esque Death Valley type landscapes, so I might go for that. For example, the environment of Fallout: New Vegas, or the racing track in Fear and Loathing, or Borderlands. Something about the big empty expanse of the desert and the narrowness of canyons appeals to me. I wonder if I can do a cool spin off of that. Maybe, Death Valley + Aliens, or Death Valley Casino/Downtown City, or Death Valley + ...
Going off of the Death Valley Downtown, idea, a concept statement could be: "Only the strong survive the desert," or "The weak lose to temptation," which would be in reference to gambling, or maybe that time Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. Not sure yet.
As a story for the level, I'm thinking about what sort of big thing could happen in a canyon, or in a city area. An obvious environmental event that could happen is an earthquake, causing things to crash down, and players will have to navigate around these new hazards. Then, as more things fall, the level will be harder and harder with each lap. 
Something else, possibly more compelling, that would go with my theme, is that there are other passageways that players would be "tempted" by, at their own peril. For example, speed boosts, or coins that determine the winner, or something.
And here are some possible color palettes for this idea.


And here is a papermap of what it might end up looking like, and an idea of some stunts I would incorporate.

For inspiration, I watched a lot of extreme motorcycle racing videos! Here is a Youtube link to one that I enjoyed. I especially liked the bumpy roads, sharp falls, and narrow roads. Hopefully I can incorporate that into my level, although I had a hard time showing small-scale stuff like that in my isometric map.
Excited for this project!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Blueprint Array Fun

In Programming class, we've been working with blueprints in UE4 and steadily getting more complex. Recently we've gotten into working with arrays, and above you can see the blueprint for some flashing lights that we've rigged up.
Here you can see it in action!